mHealth App Development
WristPet: Smartwatch Virtual Pet As Lifestyle Coach
The goal of this project is to develop a smartwatch app designed to encourage users to establish and maintain a healthy, consistent daily routine.
We designed a virtual pet that prompts users to engage in various activities, such as walking, exercising, drinking water, showering, and going to bed early, at different times throughout the day. The app was developed using Samsung's Watch Face Studio and is compatible with all Wear OS based smartwatches.
Khotchasing Kingkarn, Hoang Huyen Nhung, Adam Saleh (intern from Ohio State), Cleber Franca Carvalho
GitHub Repo
Coming soon...
Selected Publications
Liang Z, Melcer EF, Khotchasing K, Chen S, Hwang D, Hoang NH. (2024) Game On for Zzz’s: The Role of Relevance in Shaping Perceptions of Sleep Hygiene Games Among University Students. JMIR Serious Games. Doi: 22/09/2024:64063. [SCI/Scopus/PubMed]
Liang Z, Melcer E, Khotchasing K, Hoang NH. (2024) Co-design Personal Sleep Health Technology for and with University Students. Front. Digit. Health - Human Factors and Digital Health 6:1371808. Doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1371808. [SCI/Scopus/PubMed]
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Saleh A, Liang Z. (2024) WristPet: Promoting Daily Physical Activity Through Nudge Theory in a Smartwatch App. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. [Scopus]
Khotchasing K, Hoang HN, Liang Z. (2024) A Human-Computer Interaction Study of Smartwatch Application for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle. In Proceedings of the 6th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2024), Kyoto, Japan.
Hoang HN, Khotchasing K, Melcer E, Liang Z. (2024) Serious gamification app for improving sleep-wake cycle and sleep education. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2024), Rome, Italy.

CLOUDS: ChatGPT-Enhanced Mood Tracking on Smartwatch
This project aims to develop a smartwatch app that enables users to easily record their mood throughout the day in an aesthetically pleasing way, while also identifying potential mood triggers.
The app features a minimalist design, supporting both touch-based and dial-based inputs. Key functionalities include:
Mood logging through mood clouds,
Mood level tracking via the watch dial,
GPT-4 generated narratives based on personal tracking data.
The app was developed using Android Studio with Kotlin, and the user interface was built using Jetpack Compose.
Hamzah Ahmed, Temuulen Baldorj, Jenson Orbeta, Alan Bharathi, Pandit Sujit (all undergrad students)
GitHub Repo
Coming soon
Selected Publications
Coming soon

Werewolf: Transform with Sleep Quality
The goal of this project is to develop a smartwatch app that incorporates game elements to encourage users to adopt healthy sleep hygiene habits.
We designed a virtual pet app where the pet transforms into a werewolf based on the moon phase, rewarding users for maintaining consistent, healthy sleep habits.
Adam Saleh (intern from Ohio State), Hoang Huyen Nhung, Khotchasing Kingkarn
GitHub Repo
Selected Publications
Coming soon
GyroTetris: Improve Motor Control with Fun
This project aimed to develop a smartphone app that adds a new layer of fun to the classic Tetris game by incorporating motion-based controls.
The core gameplay in GyroTetris relies on the device's motion sensors to control the movement of Tetriminos. There are two main types of movement:
Lateral Displacement: Tilting the device left or right moves the Tetriminos horizontally across the screen.
Rotation: Shaking the device rotates the Tetriminos.
Shuma Nishida, Takeru Noguchi, Takuto Maenaka (all undergrad students)
Selected Publications
Liang Z, Nishida S, Noguchi T, Maenaka T. (2024) GyroTetris: Merging Mobile Gaming and Motion Sensing to Boost Motor Skills and Enjoyment. In Proceedings of the 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyushu, Japan. [Scopus]
FunAlarm: Gamifying Wakeup
This project aimed to develop a smartphone app designed to reduce the wake-up delay for university students.
We designed and developed a smartphone alarm app that prevents the alarm from stopping until the user successfully completes a quiz game.
Kyle Nathan Yahya, Elia Nixon Setiawan, Matthew Orville Firdauzi, Jason Antonius Kasan (all undergrad students)
Selected Publications
Liang Z, Yahya KN, Setiawan EN, Kasan JA, Firdauzi MO. (2023) FunAlarm: Gamification-Based Smartphone Alarm Application for Reducing Wakeup Delay. The 4th Sleep Congress of Asian Society of Sleep (ASSM 2023), Bangkok, Thailand. (reviewed)