Three Main Research Tracks
This research track focuses on developing novel software sensors with consumer wearble hardware for measuring psychological and physiological states in free-living environments.
Subtrack 1-2: Wearable Brain Imaging
Subtrack 1-3: Mental States Sensing
Subtrack 1-4: Activity Recognition
Subtrack 1-5: Glucose Sensing
#sleepTracking #eyeTracking #glucoseSensing #depressionSensing #fNIRS #machineLearning #featureEngineering
This research track focuses on developing novel analytical/modelling/predictive methods for gaining insights into quantified-self data collected using off-the-shelf consumer wearables.
Subtrack 2-1: Quantified-Self Data Mining
Subtrack 2-2: Large-Scale Longitudinal Collection of QS Data
#personalInformatics #consumerInformatics #dataVisualization #dataMining #machineLearning #timeSeriesAnalysis
This research track focuses on designing and developing software applications (mobile apps, smartwatch apps, web apps) to engineer people's behavior towards better health, productivity and wellbeing.
Subtrack 3-1: Gamifying mHealth
Subtrack 3-2: mLearning App Design & Development
Subtrack 3-3: Human-Computer Interaction in mHealth & mLearning
#appDevelopment #gamification #behaviorChangeTheory #mHealth #digitalHealth #HCI #soundTherapy #nudge